This house is quite special because it is has been set up in a cabinet and not in a miniature building. Both Dutch and German influences can be seen in early English houses of the 18th century but, by and large, by the end of the 18th century the preference in England was for buildings in miniature. Another English example of a cabinet houses is the Westbrook Baby House of 1705. Magnificent examples are to be found in Holland where they flourished for quite some time. The Killer cabinet house is a late example dating to the 1830s although it is probable that the furniture and furnishings are a little earlier It is known as the Killer house because it belonged to John Egerton Killer, a Manchester doctor, who ordered a copy to be made of a favourite cabinet in his possession for the purpose of amusing the many ladies in his family by providing them with a baby house.

The images used in this video are © Victoria and Albert Museum, London

  ”The Killer Cabinet”, di autore ignoto, risale al 1830, anche se probabilmente i mobili e gli arredi sono antecedenti. Questa dollhouse è particolare perché gli ambienti sono stati collocati all’interno di un armadio e non in un edificio in miniatura, come d’uso in Inghilterra in quel periodo. E’ conosciuta come Killer Cabinet perché apparteneva a John Egerton Killer, un medico di Manchester, che ordinò una copia del suo cabinet preferito e vi fece allestire all’interno una dollhouse per il divertimento della propria famiglia. The Killer Cabinet, che misura 171 cm. di altezza, 160 cm. di larghezza e 56,5 cm. di profondità, è esposto al Victoria and Albert Museum di Londra, nella sezione Collections.  

Killer Cabinet, England 1830

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